Healthy Hair Tips: Heat Protection Application
Amika The Shield: Anti Humidity Spray
It is 2023, you better know that you should be using heat protectant on your hair before styling with hot tools! 🥵
BUT, the question is.. are you applying it correctly?
There’s a good chance you may not be. To properly apply heat protectant, spray liberally from root to tip, giving extra attention to the ends of hair. Do this in sections, similar to how you apply dry shampoo in sections. This ensures that the hair is fully coated, therefore fully protected with the heat protectant. After fully coating the hair in sections, brush it through to further disperse.
Amika’s Humidity Spray shields your precious locks from not only muggy weather, frizz and humidity… but also 450° F heat. This spray is an all around go to spray, especially in the heat of summer. ☀️
Now that your hair is prepped for styling.. go for it! ✔️